Go ahead and click an episode. They’re all great.


In 2016 Morgan, Jay, and Dakota started a podcast called #notsoft. We all were music producers who had all of the necessary sound equipment, so we decided to jump on the podcasting bandwagon. Our original focus was topics and the occasional wrestling pay-per-view review. During the year Morgan went to go live in the woods- we lost our website and, in turn, our podcast. Jay and Morgan continued to attempt to podcast but found no success due to substances being involved. Lucky for us, 2020 happened and in October 2020 we reconvened and resurrected #notsoft. Did we have a plan? No we were just happy to be back on the mics adding some kind of brightness to our otherwise dreary outlooks on life. in 2023 we rebranded to “How Bored Are Ya?” Why? Well the other things that would come up online when you search #notsoft were…. not what we wanted to represent. Dakota also stopped regularly attending the show, which kind of pushed it in a different direction. He’s still alive (he may be brain dead) and still a friend of the show.

Every time that we’ve tried to walk away from the show, an e-mail comes and we’re back in the game for another round of episodes. This podcast is beyond its creators at this point. We’ve gone in many different directions but as of right now we are an open-source promotional platform for independent artists everywhere. If you would like to be featured on “How Bored Are Ya?” We accept submissions via our email on our contact page.